Suppressed emotions
“Did you pack the lunch?” asked the woman as she tried to hush the kid crying incessantly in her arms.
“If you’d have asked me I would have”, replied the man standing next to her irritatingly
“Yes it’s my fault, I should have reminded you after I made the lunch, did the dishes, fed Aaru, cleaned the house. ”
The man looked at her with contempt and anger as his face turned red quickly. He was quiet before he spoke again.
“Next time don’t hesitate to pick the check when we go out, clearly you do everything so why should I bother?”
“No don’t bother yourself at all, I am sorry to have spent so much of your money, next time when I have to pay for Aaru’s cerelac I will pay myself, why should you, you’re only her father afterall ”
“If you would let me be her father once, and not call your ex for every little issue”
“He’s her pediatrician, how many times do I have to clarify”
“Out of all people you chose him, you meet him thrice a week, he comes unannounced on pretext of checking aaru, and yes I should be okay about it, you flipped when Neha came once to drop off my laptop”
“After you spent the night in her apartment, too drunk to drive home, do you even remember how many times I called you that night, I was worried sick if you were alive or dead”
“How many times do I have to apologise for it?”
Aaru threw a fit and continued crying due to hunger. They were a few kilometers away from their hotel and the Sun’s scorching heat was unbearable. Her father wiped sweat from his forehead and grabbed Aaru from her mother as they fought. He looked at the baby as he playfully tossed her in the air while trying to divert her attention. The baby forgot her hunger for an instant and giggled everytime she was midair.
Her mother walked behind with the stroller smiling faintly.