Angry Suitcase
I hate holidays!
I am so happy to be back home. After a tiring week, I can finally relax. Phew let me tell you what I have been through, the constant rolling and sliding through all kinds of floors, not to mention the weight I am carrying on my legs. Humans are cruel, the way they treat me by tossing me here and there, trying to suffocate me with their excess clothes and shoes. And don’t even get me started on their wet towels and dirty undies. Ew!
The cruelty doesn’t end there, when they overload me, I try to resist and scream. But they try to zip me up as if I am just an object. If that doesn’t work they sometimes sit on me to shut me.. How rude?
Oh I tell you one of these days I am just going to explode or my chains will come loose eventually, or my legs are going to give up, then I want to see the look on their face.
Probably they would get rid of me to get themselves a better looking version of me. I was once like that a few years ago, beautiful and shiny. The care and love they showed in the first few years, they even got me a cool jacket just to protect me. But I am starting to see the relationship has changed. Maybe they are just using me to get what they want. I don’t think they truly care about me. When we are out in public they keep me close, hold hands, but once we are back at home, they cast me aside and don’t even bother looking at me for days!
I can’t believe how they treat me after what happened a few days back. I was at the airport, once again, I was humiliatingly thrown and put for a display amongst strangers when someone mistook me for his own and picked me. I screamed and yelled for help but nobody paid attention, everyone was busy eyeing their own thing. Finally when my lazy owner saw me getting dragged away he came to his senses and ran to my rescue. I realised no matter how they treat me but I am part of their family and you don’t abandon your family behind.